I can remember in my old life in corporate America how we would attempt to measure everything we did. In the call center, it was all about the length of the call. When it came to managing staff, it was all about efficiencies and best practices. Measurements are good and necessary. But not everything that […]
Category Archives: Weddings

George and I landed in Panama City without much fanfare. The transition from 13 degrees at Logan to the 90+ degrees in Panama was…um….AWESOME! We couldn’t wait to get to our hotel and put shorts on. We would spend one night in Panama City before heading out to the Bristol Buenaventura in the small seaside […]

I’ll never forget the original email I received from Anabela about her wedding. It was brief and to the point. The location was listed as “Panama (in Central America)” and her text read, “Please view the location of the wedding for ideas. Thank you!” I was a bit dumbfounded to say the least. Was this […]

There are very few people I laugh with as muchas I laugh with Alison and Marcelo. Their interactions with each other and the world around them should be captured on film regularly. They have a way of making those around them feel completely comfortable in about 30 seconds. I think their secret is that they […]