Lisa & Nick’s Wedding

Lisa is my favorite kind of wedding client.Organized. Efficient. Decisive. She knows what she wants and keeps track of every detail. I love it when one of my clients shows up with a binder or notebook full of wedding "stuff" as I call it. It tells me that she wants to have a great wedding day and is planning accordingly. This always makes my job so much easier and fits my personality. Dorothy makes fun of me because I make a spreadsheet for each camping or ski trip I take. Hey – geeks can have fun too!

One question I receive quite frequently from people I meet is "Have you had any bridezillas?" My honest response is "No." Instead, I have a lot of Lisas. Brides who take a lot of care in planning their wedding so they can avoid the out of control scenarios that are so frequently displayed on TV or Youtube. Lisa did tell me that a few days prior to the wedding, she had a bridezilla moment when she yelled at her dad over nothing. She recognized her lack of judgment and immediately apologized to her dad. Planning a wedding is stressful. But proper planning is what makes a wedding day so memorable.

The day of Lisa and Nick’s November wedding, the sky was clear and brisk. Nick and Lisa tied the knot at Shaker Hills Golf Club. I was told they would be the last to wed at this venue as weddings would no longer be hosted by the golf club. Lisa was happy they made it in under the wire. We set up a reveal for Lisa & Nick outside by the arbor. Lisa shed a few tears and Nick was overwhelmed with the sight of Lisa in her wedding dress. It was perfect.

In order to take advantage of the fading fall sunlight, Lisa and Nick opted to take their formal photos prior to the ceremony. Although the air was a bit chilly, everyone involved managed to keep smiling throughout the session. A hot chocolate vendor would have made a killing. Just saying.

The ceremony was held inside the clubhouse. Lisa’s brother Anthony resided over the ceremony. One of the funniest moments of the ceremony was when Anthony asked Nick for Lisa’s ring and the best man in turn handed Nick a ring pop. Nick, in turn, put it on Lisa’s finger with a big grin. Fortunately Lisa took the joke well and laughed. The real ring followed.

We snapped a few family photos right after the ceremony and then snuck outside for a few twilight shots with just Lisa and Nick. During the rest of cocktail hour, George and I grabbed some candids and as many detail shots as we could. It’s always nice to have some extra time for those.

DJ Michael O’Neill and his music mixing partner Corey were emceeing the evening’s events. George and I always love working with these guys. Always professional. Always courteous. Always entertaining. Never cheesy. They don’t believe in an empty dance floor either. Tonight would be no different. Lisa’s family clearly loved to dance and many of Lisa and Nick’s friends had a great time dancing to the 90’s music blasting out of the speakers.

The entire reception went off without a hitch. There were some "unexpected" details that crept into the evening which included an actual ball and chain, a pennant exclaiming "Marriage," and a story or two from the best man about Nick’s adventures before marriage. Just like she did with the ring pop, Lisa just laughed and enjoyed every moment. Nick, well I think he was relieved when his best man handed the microphone back to Corey.

Lisa and Nick – thanks for allowing us to share in your wedding day. We had a wonderful time! We wish you many years of jokes, laughter and love.

To see more photos from Lisa and Nick’s wedding, click here.


Dress: Filene’s Basement Running of the Brides – Boston, MA

Hair/Makeup: Jamie, Salon Karma – Tewksbury, MA

Florist: Filomena Lobo (family friend)

Cake: The Icing on the Cake – Newton, MA

Livery: Lynette’s Limousine Service – Wilmington, MA

DJ: Michael O’Neill – Boston, MA

Venue:  Shaker Hills Golf Club – Harvard, MA


 George captured this getting ready photo



 The reveal – Lisa snuck up on Nick



 A few laughs with Lisa’s brother Anthony



 George caught Nick kissing another woman – oh, wait, that’s his mom…



George snapped Nick’s dad looking pretty dapper



 I wouldn’t mess with these ladies – Alana did a great job in post-production on this shot



 The big moment!



 Yeah, we know who’s boss…



 Lisa’s dad shared a few words



 Oh the laughter



 One of George’s detail shots



 George captured this one as well



 Another one of George’s detail shots



 Corey mixin’ music



 Pretty sure everyone is having fun in this shot



 George snapped this great candid on the dance floor










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