What a month we had with Kelley Jean and her family! To say the least, she is one of the most inspirational kids any of us has ever met. All of us have a new perspective on what’s important in life and how easy most of us really have it. Walk a month in Kelley’s shoes and you’ll figure out exactly what we mean.
We want to thank the entire Rouse family for allowing us to be a part of their family for the month of December. We appreciate your willingness to allow us to invade your lives and photograph every moment.
To everyone that has followed Kelley’s story – don’t worry – this won’t be the last you’ll hear about her. We’ll follow-up in the future and post updates on the blog.
Kelley – thanks for being you. You are the most amazing 11 year old any of us knows. We know that you may not fully realize the blessing you are to each person with whom you interact, but that doesn’t change the impact you have. Keep fighting the fight and never give up! We love you and will continue to pray for your recovery!
Here are the highlights from our last week (and a couple of days) with Kelley:
Day 22 (Photographer – George)
Kelley had another good day at school today. When I met up with her she was having a ham sandwich for an afternoon snack and was busy watching Olivia on TV. Kelley told me that they had served tuna fish at school today and that it wasn’t any good and that was why she was so hungry. After she finished with the first half of the sandwich she asked her mother for a second half. Then it was time for Kelley to get hooked up to receive her medication. Her mom expertly attached the bottle of medication to Kelley’s port-a-cath with Kelley’s help.
Kelley and her family had a big night planned. She and her mom were going to be baking Christmas cookies. She also was going to be decorating her Christmas tree, which she had not been able to do while she was in the hospital last week. When I left Kelley was trying to convince her mom that she needed another snack before supper. After the past week in the hospital with no appetite it’s great to see that it has finally returned.

Day 23 (Photographers – Mark Elzy & Jeff)
I had a special guest along for today’s time with Kelley. Mark Elzy, a kid whose family also goes to our church, is currently studying photography in San Francisco. He’s home for Christmas break and joined me to photography Kelley. Of course, Kelly knew his name the first time she heard it.
We found Kelly and Debbie rather busy with wrapping gifts “To: Daddy”, “From: KJ”. “Apparently ‘KJ’ is giving a lot of gifts this year” Debbie said as Kelley filled out the next name tag. We all laughed out loud. And don’t worry Kelley, we won’t tell your dad what you got him. 😉
It was great to see Kelly in good spirits and generally good health – perfect timing for Christmas!

Day 24 (Photographer – Alana)
‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except Kelley Rouse;
The Christmas tree was decorated with an angel and beads.
We tried to talk casually, but not when Kelley leads;
She grabbed mom and took her up under the tree.
She couldn’t wait another minute to giver her gift to me,
I sprang up and headed straight to the door;
Out in the car was my present for her.
The sound of unwrapping hushed any talk,
For Kelley had just received her brand new fuzzy socks.
Then I got my gift, I was so happy I couldn’t stand,
When I tore it open I found two rockin’ headbands;
An evening filled with joy and laughter;
The Christmas Eve mass is what they planned after.
As our time spent together came to end,
I knew many more moments, we would spend.

Day 25 (Photographer – Alana)
I had the privilege of spending time with Kelley and her family on Christmas Eve and Christmas day! I can now call myself the luckiest girl around!
My excitement to see what Santa left for Kelley conquered my food coma on my drive over to Kelley’s house. She made out like a bandit! The first present she showed me was a new drum set that her sister Lauren gave her. Kelley looked like a natural rocking out behind the drums, it was great! She pointed the drum sticks at herself and said “My name is Kelley, I play the drums and that’s my cool trick!” It was a wonderful visit and i’m so glad Kelley had a chance to show me all her cool gifts!

Day 26 (Photographer – Jeff)
It was an early (and kinda snowy) morning after Christmas for Kelley. I met up with her and Dave around 8 a.m. at Brockton Hospital. The good news is that it was an expected visit and it was short!
As I took the first shot this morning of Dave and Kelley through the glass doors, I was wondering to myself how many days Dave and Debbie have spent in similar spots just siting and waiting. I’m not sure how they do it.
Kelley was all excited about all her Christmas presents. She told me about her drum set, her DVDs, books and a hoodie vest that she couldn’t wait to wear to school. As usual, Kelley took center stage and the medical staff instantly adored her.
Her family is supposed to be going to Connecticut later today. Then there’s this storm….

Day 27 (Photographer – Dave & Debbie)
So even though they hit the road yesterday to visit Debbie’s family for Christmas, the Rouse family had to turn around an hour into the trip. Not because of the snow, but because of a glitch in Kelley’s blood counts.
The doctors are doing their best to make sure the medicine Kelley is on is of the right dosage. To that end, she had blood drawn yesterday to make sure her counts were still what they should be. They weren’t so the family had to be back at home last night to receive shipment of new medication.
Just like the rest of us in this area, Kelley’s family spent the day “playing” in the snow. Once they were dug out, they took a walk around the neighborhood and found a great snowman in a neighbor’s yard. Kelly was happy to stop and pose with him.

Day 28 (Photographer – Jeff)
Dave, Debbie and Kelley were all able to be together today. Their appointment was with a visiting nurse, so they didn’t have to go into Boston today for Kelley to receive her medicine. Lily and I stopped by in the late morning. The girls colored together a bit and then Kelley read Lily a story. After that, Kelley went to work sinking her dad’s battleships in electronic Battleship. She was darn good at it too!
The Rouses were planning to spend the afternoon at the theater. They were going to see a movie. Kelley was going so she could have a blue slushie. Apparently she gets a kick out of having a blue tongue.

Day 29 (Photographer – George)
Arriving at the Rouse residence, I was greeted by Kelley and her family. Kelley had just beaten her dad in another game of electronic battle ship. I asked Kelley how her Christmas was, she told me it was great and wanted to show me her drums that she had gotten. The drums were setup downstairs where Kelley plays along with one of her favorite TV shows “The Fresh Beat Band” She practically knew the whole show by heart. It was fun watching Kelley play the drums!
After a while Kelley decided it was time for lunch and we went upstairs where Debbie was making a hot pastrami sandwich for Kelley. While she was eating, Kelley told me about the movie “Tangled” that she had gone to see yesterday. She had really enjoyed it. After lunch Kelley and her parents were planning to go to the Enchanted Village at Jordan’s Furniture.
While Kelley was eating her lunch I talked with Debbie about a spinal tap procedure Kelley will undergo tomorrow if her counts are ok. I can’t imagine going through any of the types of things that Kelley simply considers routine. She really is such and amazing person.

Day 30 (Photographer – Alana)
I pulled into Kelley’s driveway and my nerves set in. Knowing what kind of morning she had I wasn’t sure how she would be feeling. I knocked on the door and heard the pitter patter of Kelley’s feet running towards me and it instantly brightened my spirits.
Kelley and her family spent the morning at the Dana Farber playing the waiting game, something they are quite familiar with. They arrived at nine and her spinal tap procedure began a little after noon. In Kelley’s words they gave her the “wooaah medicine” (a conscious sedation) and tell her to keep her head down since it makes her wobbly. The doctors then proceed to do a spinal tap where they replace the spinal fluid with chemo treatment. Then they have Kelley chill out while medication settles in and prepare her for two simultaneous shots in her thighs. After she receives the shots she needs to stay at the hospital for another hour so the doctors can monitor for any complications. Then right before she’s allowed to leave they push another medication through her port-a-cath.
My jaw dropped when Debbie told me the play by play of Kelley’s one hour appointment. I should’ve expected to see the bright and spunky little girl i’ve gotten to know because typical Kelley, she pulled through like a champ! Today was the first car ride home after this particular procedure where she wasn’t sick and she had quite the appetite at home! Good news in the Rouse household!
The strength, love, and kindness Kelley shared with me this past month is something I will always treasure. She has a heart of gold and smile that goes on for days. Thank you Kelley for all of your contagious smiles!

Day 31 (Photographer – George)
When I arrived at Kelley’s she was busy playing her Nintendo DS with her sister in-law Jen. Kelley was playing a Dora the Explorer cooking game. She showed me how she was chopping virtual veggies to make a salad and a pizza. She was thoroughly enjoying it.
Kelley and her family are planning on spending New Years Eve at home. Kelley was looking forward to the sweet and sour chicken that she will be ordering. I asked her if she was going to stay up to watch the ball drop but her mom told me she will probably want to go to bed long before then.
I can’t believe that not only are we about to start a new year but that we have already followed Kelley for a whole month. It has gone by so fast! Kelley is an amazing person and her smile alone is enough to turn any bad day around. She has endured more than anyone should ever have to endure and she keeps on smiling and touching the lives of everyone who meets her. Kelley you are an inspiration to me and everyone you meet! Thank you Kelley!

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