Week 3 was a much better weekfor Kelley than Week 2. She came home from the hospital on Saturday (yeah!) and has only had out-patient appointments since. Her infection has cleared and she and her family are now preparing for a very joyous Christmas!
Here’s this week’s recap:
Touched By Kelley – Day 15 (Photographer – George)
Today I found Kelley in the play room at Children’s Hospital. She was busy painting a birdhouse that she had made. It is going to be purple with green polka dots. The birds in her yard will definitely be living in style now! Earlier in the day she got to see Santa and got a stocking with some stuffed animals.
After Kelley had finished putting the purple paint on the birdhouse she wanted to go get some lunch while she waited for the paint to dry. She helped her mom pick out some food and headed back to her room to eat.
While I was there a nurse came in to take Kelley’s vitals. Kelley had started the day with a fever and we were all hoping that it would be gone. With fingers crossed, the nurse took Kelley’s temperature and she didn’t have a fever! Kelley needs to be free of a fever for 24 hours before the doctors will let her go home, so this is great news!

Touched By Kelley – Day 16 (Photographer – Jeff)
Kelley’s health is continuing its upswing. When Lily and I visited today, her eyes looked SO much better and Debbie said her white blood counts had gone from 64 the day before to 260 today. It should be at 500, but at least it is moving in the right direction. Kelley’s fever is also gone, so everyone is praying that Kelly will be discharged tomorrow (Friday). I’m sure both she and Debbie would LOVE to spend a night at home.
My favorite shot from today is the one of Kelley and Debbie. I love watching them interact. Debbie is simply amazing with her and knows that joking with her is the best way to get Kelley to do something she doesn’t really want to. This moment was just that. The nurse was standing behind Debbie ready to sneak in…it worked perfectly.

Touched By Kelley – Day 17 (Photographer – Alana)
As I walked into Kelley’s room this morning I was greeted by her bright cheery smile and we chatted for a few while Debbie was speaking with one of her doctors. Kelley’s doctor had come in to give them an update on Kelley being discharged. Unfortunately they won’t be able to go home today because overnight Kelley’s white blood cell count went higher than it should due to the particular medication they were giving her. They have taken down the dosage and want her to stay another 24 hours to make sure that the count doesn’t go too low.
Kelley and her family have plans to go see “The Black Nativity”, a Christmas play, held in Boston tomorrow at 3:30. The doctor’s are planning on going by Kelley’s room around 1:00 in hopes to begin the paperwork so she can be discharged!

Touched By Kelley – Day 18 (Photographer – George)
Kelley will be going home today! Her counts are about where the doctors want them and they will be discharging her today! When I met up with her she was making Christmas cards for her mom and dad in the play room at Children’s Hospital. She told me she had eaten a good breakfast and was already talking about lunch!
After she finished her cards, a nurse came and unhooked Kelley from her IVs and we headed for the resource room where Kelley played some intense games of Zingo with her dad and some other children and the volunteers at the hospital.
Kelley said the first thing she wants to do when she gets home is eat. I think that may have been because she was hungry when I asked her what she wanted to do when she got home, but that’s a good sign. When I left, Kelley was checking out the menu to see what she wanted to order for lunch which will hopefully be the last meal Kelley has to eat at the hospital for a while!

Touched By Kelley – Day 19 (Photographer – Jeff)
Everyone was incredibly happy to see Kelley at church today. She came running up to me a gave me a big hug. I was really happy to see her outside of the hospital.
As is the tradition in our church, a different family lights the candles on the Advent Wreath each week of Advent. At our first service this morning, Kelley and her mom and dad had the privilege of lighting the candles this week and sharing a scripture reading.
I caught with Kelley after the service. She was hanging out in the office with her dad. I asked her to show me which candles she lit. She showed me, but was distracted seconds later by the drums playing in the background. She went back to join Mike on the drums and do what she does best – dance.

Touched By Kelley – Day 20 (Photographer – Alana)
When I arrived at the Dana Farber this morning I found Kelley and Debbie hanging out in the waiting room. Kelley had just finished stuffing her own reindeer and was able to pick out a toy from underneath the Christmas tree. She picked a singing dog. In addition to the new stuffed animals her Oncologist gave her a pin wheel pen and chocolate which just so happens to be Kelley’s favorite!
This morning was a good morning for Kelley. She didn’t need to get a blood transfusion and all they had to wait around for was a reading on the levels of the antibiotic that she’s taking to make sure it was stable.
Once they leave Dana Farber they are going to enjoy lunch at the Olive Garden. Kelley had her mind set on some pasta. She has another chemo treatment next week and needs to make sure she doesn’t lose anymore weight. Pasta and chocolate are perfect for just that! This particular treatment involves a spinal tap and replacing the spinal fluid with chemo medication. I can’t imagine that would be any fun at all!

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