Our first week with Kelley started in the hospital. It ended with us hanging out with her and having ice cream. A good finish!
Including the first day (Wednesday), Kelly was at the hospital three times this week. Her shortest visit was Sunday. In and out in about 15 minutes. It was still long enough for word to spread that she was there. Before long, the nurses were fighting over who would be her primary nurse. They love her that much. On Monday, they were hoping for another quick trip in and out, but Kelley’s blood test results were not what they should have been. She ended up spending most of Monday at the hospital and received a blood transfusion. She may have to back at the end of the week for another.
Tuesday morning, in spite of being physically sick the night before, Kelley wanted to go to school. Even when a bad headache struck and sent her to the nurse’s office, she asked to stay in school. When I was a kid, I would have been begging to go home if I was in her situation.
Kelley is, without a doubt, amazing. And you’ve told us yourselves! We’ve been overwhelmed with the response to this project and appreciate all your support!
Want to help Kelley? Give blood or platetlets at Children’s Hospital. Call 617-355-6677 for details.
Here’s a recap of Week 1:
Wednesday – Day 1 (Photographer – George)
Kelley told me today that her favorite part of being at the hospital is her interaction with the nurses. It’s obvious that she’s a favorite of theirs as well. Today was her third straight day at the hospital for treatment. She’s hopefully going home tonight…

Thursday – Day 2 (Photographer – Jeff)
Kelley came home from the hospital late last night. She was able to go back to school today. Lily and I caught up with her at home this afternoon. She loves to play Cookie Cop with her sister Lauren. When Kelley counts the cookies to find out who won, she counts in Arabic. Lauren, an Air Force reservist, has been teaching Kelley Arabic since this summer. And she’s caught on fast! She’s really hard to beat at Cookie Cop too!!

Friday – Day 3 (Photographer – Alana)
Kelley’s smile lights up the room, even if it’s when she has to take her medicine. When I showed up at Kelley’s house this evening it was time for her to take her medicine and she took it like a champ! Lauren and Kelley like to sing “Champion” by Queen to go along with Kelley’s attitude. After Kelley took her medicine she showed me the surprise she got in the mail today from her cousins – a letter and some awesome Faith silly bands.

Saturday – Day 4 (Photographer – Alana)
This morning I met Kelley and her parents in Newton at the Marriott for a holiday party that the Dana Faber Cancer Institute put together. There were activities all over for the kids to dive right into. Their second stop after arriving was a family photo opportunity where they could be goofy and make a flip book. Kelley’s sign said “Dancing Queen”, and it totally fits her to the T! When she first arrived one of the first things I was informed about was how amazing the chicken nuggets are, so as soon as they finished their dancing Kelley went straight for her favorite foods!

Sunday – Day 5 (Photographer – Jeff)
Today was a pretty mellow day for Kelley. She was at Dana Farber for 15 minutes for a shot this morning and spent the rest of the day hanging out at home with mom and dad. They’re working on their Christmas decorations.
I stopped by this evening and got to see the wreath Kelley had picked out on her own and watched as she and her dad hung it on their front door. She was very proud of her wreath!
While we sat inside, I noticed she wasn’t eating the cheese and crackers she had for dinner. Debbie said Kelley hadn’t been eating well today most likely because of the chemo. It frequently has an impact on Kelley’s appetite.
Tomorrow, Kelley is heading into Dana Farber for another shot and some more blood tests. Depending on the results of the blood tests, it could be a quick trip or a bit of a stay. Praying for good results and a quick trip!

Monday – Day 6 (Photographer – Alana)
Today I met Kelley and her father at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute where Kelley was receiving blood transfusions. As I was walking through the door I felt frazzled from Boston traffic, but as soon as I found myself in Kelley’s wing that instantly changed. I had couple nurses ask me who I was looking for and when I mentioned Kelley’s name their faces lit up with bright smiles and they couldn’t say enough about how much they adored her. Kelley’s positive attitude and vibrant personality are contagious; I couldn’t help but have that same bright smile when I saw her.
Kelley arrived at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at 9:30 this morning. Her father mentioned how it was perfect timing because earlier she wasn’t feeling well. Kelley was hanging out in her room watching a Barney Christmas special and eating hot dogs. Depending upon how this blood transfusion goes she may need to be back at the Dana Farber on Thursday or Friday.

Tuesday – Day 7 (Photographer – Jeff)
So when you have a kid who has an incredibly challenging treatment plan and a body that reacts in so many different ways, you quickly learn to go with the flow. Kelley was able to come home from the hospital yesterday and go to school today. She did have a headache, but requested to stay in school.
Debbie (Kelley’s mom) was expecting some important medication to arrive at their house by 10:30 this morning. Lily (my daughter) and I were going to go to Kelley’s school with Debbie for the delivery. Turns out it never showed up because of a glitch with the health insurance company. Everyone has their fingers crossed that it shows up tomorrow.
Plan B for our shoot today was a quick trip to a local ice cream spot – Peaceful Meadows. Kelley, like many of us, has a special affection for this yummy, creamy goodness. We met up this afternoon. Kelley ordered strawberry. She took about two bites. Her treatment has severely affected her appetite. But she hasn’t stopped smiling…

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