During our recent trip to upstate New York where I shot Meghan and Tim’s wedding, we stayed with our good friends Todd and Noelle. Since we met them in college, their family has grown to include two beautiful daughters – Linnea and Corinne (a.k.a. "Sissy" and "Cori" respectively).
One evening after dinner, I had the opportunity to do a mini family portrait session with them in their back yard. With a red barn on the edge of the property and corn fields surrounding them, it’s a beautiful spot for photos. Below are a few of my favorites.
Todd and Noelle – thank you for opening your home to us. We can’t wait to visit again!
Just love this picture!

Favorite family photo!

Totally captures their personalities…

Linnea loved posing for pictures! She even took a bunch while we were there!

SO fun!

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