"I’ve never met anyone else like her" Joe told me. I had to agree – I hadn’t either.
Shivani and Joe grew up in the same town but didn’t meet until their senior year in high school. They dated for a long time, but kept it quiet. When it was finally revealed to Shivani’s family that they were more than "just friends," they quickly started asking when they would be married. No pressure Joe. The good news is that he didn’t wait long. Joe proposed to Shivani just before Christmas this past year. She said yes and the rest is wedding planning…
The day of Shivani and Joe’s engagement session was Kat’s (our intern) first day with us. I decided to take her along for the shoot. Based on my first meeting with Shivani and Joe, I knew their engagement session would be fun.
Kat and I met up with Shivani and Joe in Harvard Square. Growing up in Somerville, I was practically in my childhood back yard. My first job was actually at the Harvard JFK School of Government right there in Harvard Square. I was excited to be "working" in the area again, this time doing what I love rather than washing dishes.
We met up at the Harvard Square landmark newsstand. This was Kat’s first time in the area and she snapped photos here and there. Shivani and Joe arrived shortly after Kat and I. We decided to walk around a bit to get our bearings (photography-wise) and figure out exactly where we wanted to shoot.
Our first stop was a not-so-frequently-visited monastery courtyard. I had worked at a summer camp associated with the monastery in college and was excited to find that we could shoot there. Since Harvard Square is such a busy place, it was nice to start the shoot off the beaten path. While we shot, it was revealed to us that Shivani likes "trashy" magazines – you know, the stuff you see at the checkout at the grocery store – and that some of her friends had made fake "trashy" magazines with her and Joe on the cover. I also learned that Shivani is hard to keep up with. Joe concurred.
We finished up at the monastery and headed into the heart of Harvard Square. We snapped a few more shots here and there before finishing up right in front of the Harvard COOP. This well-known store had just enough foot traffic in front of it for us to get the shot I was hoping for. A street artist provided an added level of entertainment as we worked.
Shivani and Joe – you guys are proof that opposites attract. Shivani – I’m glad you have Joe to help you pace yourself. Joe – I’m glad you have Shivani to keep you on your toes. You guys are so perfect for each other! We look forward to your wedding later this summer!

Love the lines in this shot.

Shivani being Shivani…(and that’s her on the cover of the magazine too)

Just fun!

NOT Photoshopped!

Neither is this one…it’s just all about knowing how to use your camera. I LOVE this shot!

My favorite portrait of Shivani & Joe.

Found a great old bike to use for ring pics.

The bustle of Harvard Square.

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