The circle of life is full of irony. We don’t always understand why a loved one was taken from us. We sometimes find ourselves asking, "Why God?!" Whether we feel we have our question answered or not, the circle continues.
Tara and Josh both grew up in the same town on the North Shore. They’ve know each other most of their lives. Tara actually used to refer to Josh’s parents as "Aunt and Uncle", not because of blood relations, but because of the strong friendship with her parents. She and Josh were always just "friends." As they grew older, they saw each other less and less often.
It wasn’t until the recent passing of Josh’s grandfather that they reconnected. They just found themselves in the same room sitting, talking, and connecting. Nothing really came of it at that point, but they were soon reunited by their families’ ties to celebrate Easter. That was the turning point in their friendship. They both realized there was something more they wanted and started dating.
Not long after, Tara finished graduate school and was "bored." She decided to take a cooking class. Unexpectedly, Josh showed up outside her class one day and proposed on the spot. You guessed it…she said yes.
We shot their engagement session earlier this month in Lowell. The backdrop of the historic mill town and a couple who is head over heels in love made my job incredibly easy.
Tara and Josh – I’m incredibly excited to be a part of your wedding celebration later this year!
Our first stop…a gorgeous mill exterior!
They love to tease each other!
Great body language!
Pictures around every corner!
This alley had great light and textures…just couldn’t resist.
LOVE this shot!
One of the prettiest churches around!
Too funny!
What better way to end our session!
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