It is with much regret – as well as many well-intended pleas – that the Lily Challenge has come to an end. The first couple of days after it was over, it was a weird feeling not to "have" to take a picture of Lily. But don’t worry, I won’t ever stop. Promise.
I had a ton of fun with this challenge. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to complete it, but I did amazingly enough. In spite of Mother Nature’s attempt to thwart me by filling my basement with water multiple times (my sump pump is still pumping as I type this on 4/8), I still took at least one picture of Lily every day for the month of March. What I liked most about the challenge (other than the subject) was how it forced me to get creative even though we spent a lot of the time in the same place – home. I mean, I never thought I would take pictures of Lily at the grocery store, but those pictures of her dancing in the shopping cart crack me up every time I look at them.
Without a doubt, my favorite photos from the challenge were the "sneeze" series. I never thought that a sneeze could be so cute. But I absolutely ADORE those images and will cherish them forever.
A special thanks to all of you who told me that you looked forward to Lily’s picture each day. The 196 comments on the album of 31 photos proves without a doubt that this project was the most popular I’ve ever done. I appreciate everyone’s support as I continue to do what I love.
Here are the final three images…
Day 29 – Red
This is the same red chair we used for Alex’s senior portrait session. It was sitting in our dining room (still is).
Day 30 – Wet
Rather perfect for the day at hand. Our basement was overwhelmed with water the whole day. Three sumps going at once just trying to keep up. It was also Lily’s bath night. I twitched when we emptied the tub and the water ran down the drain. I don’t think the sound of running water will ever be comforting to me again…unless I end up wandering in a desert for a really LONG time…
Day 31 – Reading with Nana
Lily knows exactly what the word "Book" means. It makes her giggle. She LOVES to read. Definitely gets that from her mom. Nana (my mom) was watching Lily for us on Day 31 and was reading to her from one of her magazines.
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