It used to be that a caveman would grunt at a cavewoman. If she grunted back, they were married. Then came real civilization, which carried with it arranged marriages, based most frequently on social ties with other families. Then came Woodstock when everyone danced naked in the mud and smoked their clothing. Wait, I mean, then came the sexual revolution and the freedom to marry the person of your choice. Maybe you met in the back of a VW van or at the local drive-in burger joint. Or maybe even in college (right sweetie?). Now we have the internet – a revolutionary way to meet your significant other. When this first started happening in the 1990’s, there was plenty of whispering, "Ohhh – they met ‘on-line’!" Now, it’s probably the easiest means of finding and meeting your true love. That is, unless, you’re a caveman.
Enter Lauren and Adam. Like so many of my clients, they met via a dating website. She grew up in southern New Hampshire and he grew up on the South Shore. Not exactly right next to each other, but thanks to the magic of match.com, they met. Lauren works on the media side of the Celtics organization and Adam travels the world selling mobile device software. They both have busy lives, but their favorite time is when they’re together.
Their first date was in Harvard Square. I wasn’t there, but I’m guessing that Adam fell in love with Lauren’s cute smile and giggle and Lauren with Adam’s stature and confidence. Adam later proposed to Lauren in Harvard Square. She said yes and the rest is wedding planning history.
I first met Lauren and Adam at the end of January. We were laughing from the start. I mean, it’s impossible not to laugh with you’re with these two. They love to have fun, love a good drink, and clearly love to pick on each other. I knew immediately that I wanted to work with them. Apparently, the feeling was mutual.
We met up for their engagement session at Frog Pond on the Boston Commons. Actually, we met up the street at a Starbucks and as I approached, Adam was confidently leaning against the wall, grande in hand, while Lauren leaned comfortably on him as she people-watched. The sky was clear blue and the temperature was hitting 50+. Amazingly beautiful for March in Boston.
We walked together to Frog Pond where Adam gave Lauren some more skating lessons. I stood on the side and snapped photos as they skated by. Even though it would have made for a great photo, Lauren managed not to fall down in spite of Adam’s suggestion. One of the highlights of this part of the session was watching a "gentleman" who was clearly a former professional ice-skater. This was obvious from his sweet moves. His choice of attire (jeans and a plain white t-shirt) were less impressive and a bit awkward. But he was good for making us smile.
Once we left Frog Pond, Lauren and Adam did a quick wardrobe change and then we walked around historic Beacon Hill. It’s hard not to stop and shoot in front of every doorway and on every street corner in this area. The challenge here is not the lack of backgrounds, rather it is running out of daylight and energy. To say the least, we found some great spots as well as some beautiful late afternoon light. Lauren and Adam continued to laugh and make fun of each other (and me) throughout the session. Their laughter made the photos.
We ended the session down on Charles Street in front of one of their favorite restaurants – The Paramount. It happens to have a bench right in front that was perfect for just a few more photos.
Lauren & Adam – I’m incredibly excited to be your wedding photographer and your friend! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work with you. Can’t wait for 11/11/11!!
Gettin’ Ready!

Adam leading the way on the ice.

Sorry – couldn’t resist. But hey, it’s still a picture of Lauren & Adam!

Thanks for the spontaneity Adam!

Doing what they do best!

Love the boots!


Other favorite!

I always love this perspective!

Who are those hot people in the middle of the street?! Oh wait, I know…

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