So back in May, my sister Ashley and her husband Josh gave George and I the opportunity to do a post-wedding portrait session with them. You may remember my previous blog on our adventures. Well, we only shared a small portion of what we shot and we felt we should share some more images from the two sessions we had with them. Why? Well ’cause we love them so much – both the couple and the pictures. Second, I just want everyone to know how beautiful my little sister is. Yup, she good all the good-lookin’ genes. Love you Ashley!
Post-wedding portrait sessions are without a doubt the most fun of any sessions I do. I know each couple so well, there’s no wedding-day time constraits, and we just have fun and get as creative as possible.
Anyone game?!
Day 1 – Duxbury Beach
George got to the beach before us and captured this amazing double rainbow!

We snagged a few shots of the rainbow on the way to the beach.

There was a little bit left when we arrived…yeah!

George just loves that wide angle!

They’re so friggin’ cute it’s ridiculous.

One of the funniest moments of the evening.

Love it!

Ashley loves to laugh.

A rainbow AND a great sunset! What a treat!

DAY TWO – Boston

Love love love this!

Colors don’t get much better than this!

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