If there’s one thing I struggle to define in my business, it’s a portrait session. What is a portrait session? How many people does it include? How long should it take? Where should it be shot? What time of day? So many questions…are there any answers?
I don’t think there is an easy way to define a portrait session. I’ve done some many different types (babies, models, high school seniors, "trash the dress," quinceañeros, families, proms, maternity) in so many different places that I don’t think I have a universal answer for any of the former questions.
What matters with each portrait session is making it personal. It doesn’t matter to me where or whom I’m shooting. What counts is getting results that my clients love and doing my best to surpass their expectations.
Below are my favorite portraits from 2009. They represent a cross-section of probably 10 to 20 thousand portraits I took, if not more.
A special thanks to each person with whom I worked this past year. Each one of you brought something unique to your session and I enjoyed every minute I was able to spend behind the camera!
March 19, 2009, Lily Grace Turner became a permanent part of our lives. This portrait of her was a simple snap I took sometime during the summer while hanging out with Dorothy’s family at grandma’s pool. I have a 16×24 canvas of this picture hanging in my home. I never get tired of looking at it.

Kim braved the cold (I mean really cold!) to get this amazing shot of her in an abandoned factory. This was one of those shots I had in my head ahead of time and we finally figured out how to get it. And yes, the bricks are that green in real life.

An upholstered chair in the woods? Yup. And it was pure luck that Jessie’s dress matched so perfectly. One of the handful of senior portrait sessions I shot this year. I just love the mood of this image.

Juxtaposition doesn’t get much better than this. My sister Ashley trashed her dress last May. This was one of dozens of amazing images we captured during the two-day session.

This picture just makes me smile. Bella’s rolls of fat are just so cute and her curious expression adds to the fun.

This was the spot where some random stranger said, "Let me take a picture for you guys in case his (looking at me) don’t come out." Such a bizarre experience. This picture captures what Cape Cod in the summer is all about. Sunshine and family. Doing nothing. Just laughing and having a good time.

Although I do a lot of "posed" pictures, I attempt to pose my clients in natural positions, so that when a moment like this happens, it looks as natural as possible.

This was from one of my two prom portraits sessions of the year. I’m a big fan of this perspective.

As much as she looks like one, Stephanie is not a bride. She is celebrating her quinceañero – her 15th birthday. I took this shot against the back of her house as the sun was going down. I love the light as well as her expression.

First rainbow of the year. This would happen two other times as I was out with clients. What I particularly love about this one is the reflection.

Sometimes, it’s fun to get people out of character. Andrew is the quietest, kindest kid you’ll ever meet (NOT exaggerating) so to capture a picture like this of him was great. The clouds (again, not photoshopped) really make this image stand out.

The shot we waited all night for. It never felt like twilight was going to get here, but it did. I was hoping to catch some lightning over their right shoulders, but my timing was just a bit off. The sky and location were fantastic.

Not that you can tell, but it was raining out, so we spent most of this session under Powder Point Bridge. This is one of the best examples of what I love to capture with families. Great interaction, natural smiles, and a moment not soon forgotten.

Well, first, it’s the textures. Then, the ideas of trust, protection and the father/son relationship play into this image SO much.

It’s all about the hair in this one. Madison was running full steam down the hill and this was my favorite in the series.

Amber is simply glowing in this image. I love that she’s not looking at me and already has her arms "around" Bodie – her soon-to-be son.

Going for a "fashion" look with this trash session. Times Square at night. Gorgeous subject. Doesn’t get much better than this as far as what I can do. One of my all-time favorites.

So you would think with all there is to see in NYC that a construction area would be one of the last places to shoot portraits. Not this time! The blue wall practically called my name. I picked this particular image because of Jonathan and Susana’s expressions as well. So gangsta!

Whenever Susana put on the bright red lipstick, I was ready to sit there all day and take pictures in just this one spot. The colors were amazing.

I find that the closer I get to the ground when photographing kids, the more I like the pictures. I love the perspective as well as her expression and hair. So much fun.

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