Susana & Jonathan – New York City Romance

"Turner – it’s time to go to class!"

"Just five more minutes Gough…"

This was a typical conversation between myself and Jonathan Gough ("Gough") our senior year in college. He was my floor’s Resident Assistant  and had a key to my room. He was amazing at waking up any time he needed to. Me – I could stay up until any hour of the night, but once my head hit the pillow, it was like trying to wake a hibernating bear. Gough knew that and never gave up on me. That’s the kind of friend he is.

After college, Gough was one of the few friends I kept in close contact with. More accurately, he kept in contact with me. The first place I worked had a toll free number, so he could call me for free. And he did. He was in Syracuse in grad school and I was still in Quincy, so we didn’t see each other very often. Without that toll free number, we probably wouldn’t have the friendship we still have today.

Dorothy and I got married less than two months after I graduated. For a long time Gough looked to me for relationship advice as he dated different women. We had many long conversations about relationships and whether or not Gough had found the right one. I met several of them and they were all nice enough, but no one ever really seemed like "the one."

When Gough called and invited Dorothy and me to NYC to meet Susana, I knew he was serious about her. Some time later, we drove to NYC for the weekend and met up with them. Both Dorothy and I were immediately taken with Susana. Not only was she beautiful, she was smart, kind, loving, and most of all, she got Gough. My simple advice to him – "Don’t mess this up. She’s a keeper!"

A short time later, they married. I had the honor of being Jonathan’s best man, along with his "little" brother Joe. Aside from my own wedding and the recent birth of Lily, it was one of the most exciting days of my life. I knew Gough had found the woman of his dreams…finally!

This fall, Gough called and said that he and Susana wanted to "trash" her wedding dress and do a fun post-wedding portrait shoot all over NYC. I was elated! We set a date right away and in November, George and I traveled to NYC for the shoot. We stayed with Jonathan, Susana and their awesome Goldendoodle Surely in their apartment just outside of Times Square.

Needless to say, we had a BLAST! Combined, Jonathan and Susana know NYC better than anyone else I know, so all I have to do is get to their place and they take it from there. We started shooting as soon as we arrived with a night shoot in Times Square. We also went to the roof of their building that evening as well.

The next day, we visited Central Park, High Line Park, and the Brooklyn Bridge. We did take a break to have some sushi at one point, but we shot almost as many pictures as we would at a wedding. It was intense. We were all completely wiped by the end of the day, but it was a great feeling. We all knew we got some great photos.

Gough – thanks for your amazing friendship. I am blessed to have you in my life. Susana – thanks for being an amazing partner for Jonathan. And thanks for wearing your wedding dress all over Manhattan for us. You guys rock!

Below you find a mix of some of our best shots, some George and Jeff in action shots, and some completely random nonsense as well.


To see ALL (yes, I said all) the images from their session, click here.


 Surrounded by Yankees fans anticipating a World Series victory.  Nothing like feeling you’re in enemy territory.



 The red stairs in Times Square.  I love Susana’s eyes and hair in this shot



 Some tourist asking to take a picture with Susana & Jonathan.  We estimate that they had their picture taken by strangers at least 400 times while we were there.  I’m not exaggerating.



 I’m not sure what to say about this one.  It just makes me laugh.



 The glove



 Hands down my favorite shot.  Also a favorite all-time shot.



 George got a different angle and perspective.



 Yankees fans celebrating something…



 I snagged this one while George was setting up for a shot



 So many cabs in NYC



 We figured out how long the light stayed red.  George is off to the side keeping track of the time so I don’t get run over when the light turns green.



 From the rooftop of their building



 Central Park dance sequence.  They love to swing dance.



 Second favorite.



 This is right where Jonathan proposed to Susana.



 Just because she’s wearing a wedding dress doesn’t mean she can’t kick your butt.



 Walking and laughing in Central Park



 The foliage was stunning.



 George is a genius with the Nikkor 14-24mm f 2.8



 Once again…



 Honestly, I’m having a good time!  At least my clients are photogenic…



  Tied for my second favorite



 The guy working in the booth offered his workspace as a prop.  Thank you!



 Are you talkin’ to me?!



 Apparently this is stylish somewhere, but as soon as I saw this "hat," I immediately thought of Dark Helmet in Spaceballs.



 Making the most of a construction area



 LOVE the colors in this one!






 Chillin’ in High Line Park



 George doing what he does best.  The expression on Jonathan’s face cracks me up!



 Love the classic look!



 Brooklyn Bridge



 "I was running" – Forrest Gump



 George getting creative



 One of the best standard portraits of the day



 Yeah…so it was supposed to rain.  Well, it didn’t.  Not until we were done.



 Probably laughing at me



 George really wanted this shot.  He got it!





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