I met up with Lindsay and Jeff fortheir engagement session at one of my favorite local places for photography – War Memorial Park in West Bridgewater. I had been here just yesterday for a family portrait session, along with at least four other photographers working in the same area. It’s an incredibly popular place in the fall and for good reason. It’s beautiful.
The fun part about this engagement session was that Lindsay and Jeff brought along their best friend Franklin – a labradoodle, – a.k.a. a big ball of lovable fuzz. He would join us for pictures during the second half of our session. Also joining me for this session was the newest member to my team, Stephanie. She is a college student at Eastern Nazarene College and is interning with us this fall. I brought her along so she could observe my antics. It may not be the best "educational" option for her, but the best I could offer.
I always start engagement sessions with a "warm up" shot or two using standard poses. The idea is starting simple and getting the couple warmed up to me. It didn’t take long at all for Lindsay and Jeff to get what I was doing. They were probably an exception to the rule when it came to acting natural in front of the camera…almost as if I wasn’t there. Love it!!
We wandered through all the nooks and crannies (no, I’m not trying to plug an English muffin brand here) the park has to offer and got a ton of great shots in a very short time. While they changed from their dressy outfits into something more casual and grabbed Franklin, Stephanie and I went to work on getting a few pictures of Lindsay’s engagement ring. A halved hickory nut shell made a great found prop.
We finished the session with some fun shots of Lindsay, Jeff and Franklin surrounded by the beauty fall has to offer in this wonderful location. And if I do say so myself, I think Franklin was a natural in front of the camera as well.
Lindsay and Jeff – I can’t wait to shoot your wedding next year! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get to know you both. Now that the fun part is over, you better get back to the planning!!

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