I was given the opportunityearlier this summer to work with Megan, her sister and her parents for a family portrait session. I was excited to have the chance to work with Megan again and meet Devin for the first time.
I met Megan and Devin on a Friday afternoon at Houghton’s Pond in the Blue Hills Reservation. This is one of my favorite portrait spots in the area because it provides such a variety of backgrounds for shooting. Megan was smiling as usual and Devin greeted me with a firm hand shake. I explained to them the game plan and we headed toward the pond.
We took a few shots and then both Megan and Devin decided for a partial wardrobe change. After some fine-tuning, we were off and running. It was so much fun to watch the two of them interact. Megan has so many silly expressions that make Devin laugh.
I had them take a stroll along the beach next to the pond. While they walked away from me, I kept snapping. Devin turned and said, "Are you actually getting good photos from behind?!" I showed him a few on my camera’s LCD. He soon commented, "I guess so!"
Next, we hit the playground. Megan and Devin spent some times on the swings and then tackled the jungle-gym. One little girl on the playground was apparently quite taken by what we were doing and did her best to get in several of the photos. It was cute.
We then headed down the road to another one of my favorite spots – an old road lined with huge oaks and maples on each side. A barn and an old tractor add that much more to the scenery. Megan and Devin wandered down the road as I shot, stopping on occasion to embrace. After that, we walked over by the barn and snapped a few shots by a bright green door. The tractor was the camera’s next victim and then some goofiness in the field followed. We finished the session with my ladder shot and inquiries from a wanderer as to where these photos might be published. He made reference to an "adult" magazine. I was quick to rebuff. Next time Devin, don’t wave!! I have some of the most random interactions with the public.
Congrats Megan and Devin on your engagement. Thanks for spending an afternoon with me. Looking forward to next year’s nuptials!

Jump shots are so much fun!

I guess you could say that Devin is "head over heels" for Megan.

So simple.

Dang they look good!

When you find color like this, use it!


Megan has such a great laugh.

My favorite shot.

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