I was excited about the opportunity to shoot an engagement session in a new place.Nicole and Phillip live in Wells, ME and requested that I travel there for their engagement session. This was also the same place where Phillip proposed to Nicole. I suggested we get together later in the day and hope for some good light as the sun was going down. Little did I know how good it would be!
I met Nicole and Phillip at Breton’ Bike & Fly, a business on Rt. 1 in Wells owned by Phillip’s family. We moved some photography gear, bicycles, and surf boards into Phillip’s truck and headed for the harbor.
I don’t think there’s much Nicole and Phillip didn’t do. They climbed a fence, jumped off it, walked, ran, sat, stood, watched, fished, surfed (not exactly), kissed, flirted, hugged, smiled, hung upside down, got rained on, laughed, and just generally had a good time. The whole time we were out by the beach, we kept a close eye on the darkening sky. It eventually rained on us a little bit and we took refuge under a life guard stand.
What I love about storms like this is when they happen at the right time of day, the sky can really go crazy. This was no exception. The sun eventually snuck out from behind the clouds and turned the underside of the clouds a golden yellow. As we walked back off the jetty, I snapped a few shots using the sun as a back light. As we jumped down from the jetty onto the beach, I looked to my right and could believe what a saw – a rainbow!
"Quick, stand over here!" I yelled to Nicole and Phillip. Nature has a way of providing light that can never be recreated in a studio. It was amazing!
After the rainbow faded, we collected all our stuff and headed back for the parking lot. I used one of Phillips fishing hooks for a unique ring shot. Before we knew it, twilight was upon us. We headed down onto the dock where Phillip has his boats and posed Nicole and Phillip for some great silhouettes against the deep blue sky.
Nicole and Phillip – I really enjoyed shooting with you guys! It was a lot of fun for me to watch the interaction between the two of you. I can’t wait to shoot your wedding next year!
Always makes the session for me when I can capture natural smiles like these.

I laugh every time I look at this shot.

Probably my favorite, but it’s a tough call for this shoot.

Such a flirt!


I think someone’s watching you Phil!

I wish I had light like this all the time…

No, the rainbow is NOT Photoshopped!

Nicole is hooked on Phil! Sorry…I couldn’t resist…

I can’t help it. I just love silhouettes with good light!

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