I took a picture yesterday.It’s one of those pictures at which I can’t stop staring. It’s nothing fancy. It’s just a snap. It just happens to be my almost six-month old daughter Lily Grace. There’s just something about her eyes.
I look at the picture and wonder what she’s thinking behind those gorgeous eyes. I wonder when she will skin her knee for the first time. I wonder who the first boy will be that she brings home to meet Dorothy and I (I don’t envy THAT guy). I wonder how long it will be until Lily and I will have our father/daughter dance at her wedding. I wonder…
Then I stop wondering and wish that this moment could last just a bit longer. That she won’t grow up too fast. That she’ll always smile and laugh when I come through the door. That she’ll never grow weary of falling asleep in my arms. I wish…
And then I pray that I will know what to do when Lily encounters crisis. I pray that I will be more than just a good example to her. I pray that I don’t give her a reason to hate anyone. I pray that she will find her own way and not give into the temptations around her. I pray…
Thank you Lord for giving me Lily.

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