Our first road trip with Lily took us just over 1,800 milesround trip, through nine states, one National Park, and spanned 12 days. She met approximately 2,306 family members (maybe not quite that many), learned how to squeal, and slept most of the time we were on the road. She was better than we could have imagined. Tales of a screaming child that would turn a road trip into our worst nightmare never materialized. All I can say is, Phew!
My wife’s cousin Jamie and her beloved Cole would be wed on July 11, 2009. This just happened to be our 11th wedding anniversary. Seriously, I have no idea how Dorothy has put up with me for so long. Jamie asked George and I to shoot her wedding. We enthusiastically said yes. Since Dorothy and I both have extended family in Virginia, we decided that a road trip around the wedding would be the perfect opportunity to visit and introduce Lily to her clan.
The first leg of our trip started on July 6th at 6:15 p.m. Best decision we ever made. We hit one pocket of traffic in Southern CT and that was it. I loathe traffic. Our destination was Ashburn, VA. We got there at 2:15 in the morning. I called my cousin Tristan.
"We’re going to be there in about two minutes."
"I’ll be outside waiting for you!"
And sure enough, he rolled out of bed, put on his best smile (and not much more) and greeted us as we pulled up. We made it!
We spent two nights with Tristan, his roommate Mike and Elwood the turtle. Tristan babysat Lily one night so Dorothy and I could have a "date night" (thanks again Tristan!) and we spent most of the rest of the time hanging out with his sister Cara, their mom Phyllis (my mom’s sister) and the newest addition to their family, David (a.k.a. Day-Day). Other highlights included the addition of another turtle to Tristan’s turtle pond, hanging out at the park with everyone, and a walk around the lake at Cara and Cal’s place. I also got to catch up with a college friend who ironically lives just a couple of blocks from Cara. Corinne and her husband Dan had triplets (TRIPLETS!!) several months ago, so we got to meet their newest additions. They were all absolutely adorable. Corinne and Dan – I don’t know how you do it!!
Our next venture led us to Rocky Mount, VA. We took a partial scenic route down Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. We drove about thirty miles of this beautiful road. At some point I lost track of the number of deer we saw, but I did keep track of the two black bears we spotted along the way. We also had a much better than expected lunch at the Skyland Resort dining room. They had a special risotto prepared with fresh local veggies that was yuum-mee! And the chocolate cake was SO rich – just the way I like it. Dorothy had the fresh blueberries for dessert.
We left the park and headed toward Route 81 which would take us just about to our destination of Rocky Mount. We arrived in time to have a meal and then I hit the road with Jamie so we could meet up with Cole and start shooting. We went everywhere. We checked out all kinds of abandoned buildings and such and successfully avoided all the poison ivy.
The next day, we spent some time up at Smith Mountain Lake. Dana and Sue, Jamie’s parents, have a house on the lake and lots of toys to go with it. I got to drive a jet ski for the first time. Man that was fun! We spent a lot more time at the lake after the wedding as well. We had a big bonfire, roasted marshmallows and generally did nothing of much importance. You will notice there are no pictures of me water skiing. I think I’ll stick with snow.
The wedding was upon us before we knew it. You can read all about it here.
The last morning we were in Rocky Mount, Dana took me up in his Cessna. I had never been up in a plane this small. He gave me a tour of the lake and the surrounding area and I was able to take photos out the window. It was a beautiful morning and a perfect ride. Thanks Dana!
Back on the road. Our destination this time was Baltimore, MD. My sister Ashley and her husband Josh live there. They would be joining us for the last leg of the trip back to Boston as they were going to a wedding that weekend. We dined at P.F. Chang’s that evening and then hit the road the next morning. Josh was gracious enough to take over at the wheel for the trip to Boston. Thanks again Josh!
We drove. We saw. We shot. We laughed. We relaxed. It was great.
Lily and David meet for the first time.

Uncle T helping David across the stream.

My favorite picture of Lily from this trip.

I know it’s gross, but the timing was SO perfect!

This picture, more than any other I’ve taken, makes me want to be a kid again.

I actually spotted this bear.

While Dorothy was on the boat, Jared and I made a Lily dog!

Best water skiing picture!

George having a blast in front of Dana & Sue’s place!

A family that skis together, stays together
From left to right: Jared, Danielle, Dana

Old bus/camper on Dana & Sue’s lake property. Can’ you see the rental ad?
"Antique patina. Easy access"

"Surrounded by lush greenery"

"Appliances included. Wonderful natural breeze. Plenty of storage."

Fun with a flashlight at the bonfire.

Then we pulled out the sparklers. And no, Dorothy isn’t angry. This is her "I’m concentrating hard on standing still" look.

Aerial view of Dana & Sue’s property. Look close and you can see Dana’s parents waving to us from the deck.

Aerial view of Smith Mountain Dam.
"Welcome to the dam. I’m your dam tourguide. I hope you enjoy the dam tour."

Dana and his toy.

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