Holly and David have known each otherfor years. They grew up together. They both have a love for the arts and clearly have a love for each other. They decided to marry at the place where they met and saw each other every summer – Windsor Hills Camp in Hillsboro, NH.
This wedding also has some personal connections to my life. Windsor Hills Camp is where I grew up going to camp. It provided a significant change in scenery from my home in Somerville, MA. I would do everything I could to stay there as many weeks as possible during the summer. I washed pots and pans, mopped floors, helped with general maintenance, assisted at the waterfront, chased girls with frogs and snakes, caught hundreds of newts (more on that later) and jumped out from behind trees in the dark to scare campers who were already afraid of the woods. When I was a kid, life didn’t get any better than camp.
Holly and David felt the same way and chose Windsor Hills for that reason. It was home. And since we all started going there, some major improvements have been made, which make an on-site wedding possible these days.
Holly is also my sister Ashley’s best friend. She was Holly’s maid-of-honor, along with Holly’s sister Noel. Any excuse I have to see my sister is fine with me. I was excited that she would be there for the day.
The ceremony was held in the chapel of the inn. It was packed with Holly and David’s friends and family. Holly’s father presided over the ceremony and had the privilege of marrying his daughter. You could see him holding back the tears of joy.
Following the ceremony, we had the opportunity to go to the waterfront with Holly and David and take some pictures next to the pond and on the docks. The partly cloudy sky provided a perfect backdrop with which to work. Thinking back to the many hours I spent swimming, canoeing, kayaking and frog catching along this beach, it was a bit surreal to be standing there photographing a bride and groom.
The reception was held in the camp dining facility. Holly and David shared a dance together and then spent time visiting with their guests. George and I snuck out to do some pictures of the rings. We got them set up and then I said to George, "I’m going newt hunting." He looked at me a bit sideways, but knew that I was actually serious as I walked off into the woods. I didn’t find one on my first trip, but did find one after we relocated the rings to a mossy rock. The small orange amphibian gave us the most unique ring picture to date. We showed it to Holly on the back of the camera. She was overjoyed!
Holly and David – thanks for the trip down memory lane! I wish you many more years to create new memories.
Venue: Windsor Hills Camp – Hillsboro, NH
To see more of Holly and David’s photos, click here.

I just absolutely love this photo!

What a proud dad!

This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Dang George – you’re good!

So typical Ashley. 😉

What a perfect day!

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