I met Amber at my old job. She sata couple of rows over on our cube farm. One day she approached my 6′ by 6′ piece of padded real estate and asked me if I would do a family portrait session with her family. She wanted to give her mom a really special gift for Mother’s Day. I had no idea at the time that this would just be the first of many times I would photograph Amber. Nor did I have any idea what a huge fan she would become and how many of her friends would be sent my way.
Since then, I’ve shot Amber & Billy’s engagement portraits, their wedding and a friend’s wedding in which Amber was a bridesmaid. This time was just as sweet, if not sweeter. Amber and Billy are expecting their first child, a son named Bodie. The nursery is ready to go. It’s painted, elegantly decorated (aside from "that swing-thing Billy picked out") and just waiting for an occupant. What better thing to do to fill your time waiting for a baby than to have a maternity shoot! So that’s what Amber and Billy did!
I met Amber and Billy at home and we rode over to the beach. It was really humid, but when we got to the beach, there was a nice breeze and a lot less humidity. Nice! The pregnant lady was very thankful for the relief.
Once there, Amber and Billy did what they do best. They just ignored the fact that I was there and went about being the adorable couple they are. I would provide direction on occasion, but a lot of the time I would just let them do whatever. I love that they can act so naturally in front of the camera!
Congrats you guys! I can’t wait to meet Bodie!!

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