So I had a trip planned to NYC to visitJonathan, one of my best friends from college. He and his wife Susana and their totally lovable Golden-doodle, Surely, live just outside of Time Square. Jonathan had invited me down for a Yankees game. Don’t panic, we were both hoping to watch them lose. And yes, we both wore our Red Sox hats to the game.
About a week before, I got a call from Jonathan.
"So I don’t know if you’ll be up to it or not, but my friend Chris wants to propose to his girlfriend. The issue is that she’s incredibly smart and he really wants to surprise her. What do you think of the idea of setting up a ‘portrait session’ in Central Park and having him pop the question in the middle of the session?"
"Let me get this straight, he’s actually gonna propose while I’m there?"
"I’m in!"
Jonathan firmed up a plan with Chris. The day before the shoot, Jonathan and I spent some time scouting out the area in Central Park that Chris recommended. Good to go.
We went to Yankee Stadium that night and watch the Yankees lose to the worst team in baseball. Yeah! During one of the later innings, I stepped out to touch base with Chris and talk through the details of our plan. His excitement was palpable.
We woke up the next morning to rain. Not good. We met up with Chris at the building where Nichole works. We sat down in Whole Foods and discussed a back-up plan. We decided that we would try to throw Nichole off a bit and call her and tell her that I didn’t want to do the session because of the rain. Nichole’s friend that was helping her with her hair quickly suggested Grand Central Station as an alternative. We obliged.
I stepped away from the table for a moment. When I returned, Chris was up walking around and asked me, "Do these pants make my ankles look fat?" I was a bit stunned at the question initially. I’m used to my wife asking me similar questions, but can’t say I’ve ever had a guy ask me something like that, especially a guy I just met.
"Umm…no?" was my response. What I didn’t realize was that it was a test. He had hidden the ring box in his sock and was wondering if I could see it or not. Phew! In my head I had been thinking, "Is this guy serious?" I was so confused. Jonathan just started laughing.
A short time later, Nichole joined us in the lobby. She was wearing a black and white strapless dress she bought just for this occasion. Chris, Jonathan and I all did our best to "act normal." None of us wanted to blow the surprise.
Jonathan hailed a cab for us and we rode up to Grand Central. Nichole filled us in about her stressful morning – both hair and work related – and how she was excited about the photo shoot. Little did she know how excited she would be just a little while later.
We arrived at Grand Central. Nichole had a few finishing touches to take care of so I took a few minutes to scout out a good spot. I was looking for a location with good light and not a ton of people. Not easy to do at Grand Central. I stumbled upon a smaller side entrance that said "Grand Central Terminal" above the stairs. There were a few people coming and going, but not nearly as many as in other areas. This was the spot. I couldn’t miss Nichole’s reaction. I met back up with everyone and led them to the entrance. Jonathan stood guard over our stuff while I got the "portrait" session under way.
My job at this point was to try and come up with some creative pictures and kill time until Chris was ready to pop the question. When you’re working in a confined area with one good wall, there’s only so much you can do. While I was thinking, "What else can I do?", it turns out Nichole was thinking, "Are we going to stay in the spot forever?! Shouldn’t we be going somewhere else?"
Fortunately, it wasn’t long after this that Chris gave me the signal that he was ready. I positioned the couple right in front of the staircase. "Light’s good. Camera’s set." Chris started talking softly to Nichole. I could see the smiles on both of their faces. Chris dropped to one knee to pull out the ring box. Nichole looked a bit puzzled. Chris pulled the box out of his sock and opened it. Nichole couldn’t believe what she was seeing. I heard her say something like, "Are you serious right now??!!" I just kept snapping. Her confusion quickly turned to joyful tears as she accepted Chris’ proposal. They embraced. They kissed. They talked. Nichole looked at her ring in disbelief.
"I can’t believe you got me!" Nichole really was surprised. We pulled it off!!
Nichole quickly realized she was due back at work, so she called her boss. "I just got engaged, but I’m supposed to be back at work." He responded, "I think that’s a bit more important. I’m sure we can handle things here."
With the pressure off, we started wandering around Grand Central to take some more pictures. The first stop was the main hall where I wanted to do a long exposure with Chris and Nichole standing right in the middle of the travelers coming and going. We did a few more by a different side entrance and then headed out that entrance and stood beneath the bridge for a few more.
"Can we take some pictures in the rain?" inquired Nichole.
"Sure, we have umbrellas." I responded.
"No, I want to do the pictures without the umbrellas." Nichole replied.
"Awesome!" I said.
I stood at the edge of the bridge with my camera while Nichole and Chris took a stroll in the rain. The results are some of my favorite images. Everyone around them was carrying an umbrella and no one looked happy. Then there were Nichole and Chris. They were literally dancing in the rain and couldn’t be happier. It was so perfect!
We ended the morning with a cab ride to 5 Napkin Burger and a delicious lunch. All the while, Nichole and Chris were calling family and friends to tell them of the news.
For "The Usual Suspects" movie fans out there, Jonathan will now be referred to as "Verbal" because he was "the man with the plan." Thanks for including me in the plan Jonathan.
To Nichole and Chris – I consider it a great privilege to share an incredibly special moment in your lives. I am SO happy for you both and wish you all the best as you begin the rest of your lives together. Nichole – thanks for saying "Yes!"

Such a fun shot!

Play by play:
Top left: One of the last portraits
Top right: Chris telling Nichole how much he wants to be with her.
Bottom left: The proposal!!
Bottom right: Nichole’s initial reaction

Play by play continued:
Top left: Celebration!
Top right: Sneaking a peek at the ring.
Bottom left: Chris winking in approval.
Bottom right: Nichole beating up Chris. She couldn’t believe he actually surprised her.

THE shot inside Grad Central Station

Nichole got a shot of Jonathan and I congratulating Chris

Almost as if time stood still for a moment


About the only time they weren’t smiling- very hard considering the situation

This is my favorite shot

"Guess what!"

And just ’cause she’s adorable, I had to include a picture of Surely

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