Growing up in Somerville, I never knewhow many people I would meet down the road that had a connection to the 4.1 square mile city just northwest of Boston. Like me, Lydia grew up there…and just a few blocks from where I lived. I find the more people I photograph, the smaller the world becomes. I love it!
I met Lydia and Ken at the parking lot of Piers Park in East Boston at 6:30 p.m. I had photographed formal wedding pictures here last fall with Shawna & Jim and loved it. The one photo I had in my head for this evening’s shoot was a twilight shot of Lydia and Ken with the city behind them. Mother Nature was playing games, so we could only wait and see.
I introduced myself to Lydia and Ken. I could tell right away that we were going to have a lot of fun. Lydia was incredibly bubbly and Ken was grinning ear to ear. We walked to the end of the pier and started shooting. I quickly learned that Lydia is anything but camera shy and Ken cracked up at all her antics.
After we shot on the pier for a while, we walked back up to the grassy park area. We took advantage of an empty picnic table and had fun with Lydia and Ken jumping off the bench. I also asked them to run through the park and took some more action shots. Still waiting for twilight…
We decided to head to the playground and take some pictures on the play structures (if that’s what you call them). One of my favorites from this session is the "serious" shot of them sitting behind the blue bars. After that, it was time for a smoke break for the lovebirds. I asked if I could keep shooting. They obliged. Almost twilight…
The sun was behind the clouds for all but two minutes, so there wasn’t great light at sunset, but twilight started lighting up the night sky and we headed back down the pier to get "the" shot. I quickly set up my light and umbrella and got to work. "Hold real still!" I instructed. Got it!

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