We arrived at the Radisson in Plymouth at 4 p.m.The front desk attendant called the bride’s room and sent us on our way.
George and I approached the door. We could hear lots of chatter and laughter. Yup, it’s the right room. We knocked. Julie’s dad opened the door and greeted us. We walked into the room and were surrounded by excited faces. Julie was "good" and had assured me that she had been eating.
George and I got right to work on the dress pictures. It took a few minutes just to get it unwrapped. We hung it on the wardrobe and then in the window. George then left to go catch up with Mike and his entourage. Julie’s dad and I stepped out into the hall while Julie got into her wedding dress. A few more pictures at the hotel and we were off!
The Jones River Trading in Kingston was a short drive from the hotel. We arrived as the guests were continuing to stream in. We checked in with DJ Mike Tucker and the groom. Everything was set. The DJ asked the guests to make their way up to where the ceremony would be. The processional began, accompanied by a live flute and guitar duo. Mike and his brother stood at the front. Julie and her dad walked in arm-in-arm, smiling ear-to-ear.
The JP spoke. Mike and Julie both said "I do". The guests cheered! Let the next part of the celebration begin!
We had just a small number of formals to take. The back of the Jones River Trading Company offers an absolutely beautiful spot for formals. It features a willow tree, a cedar-shingled mill and a waterfall.
During the pre-wedding consultation, Julie had expressed an interest in taking some pictures across the street by the pond with just her and Mike. We obliged. I took them out onto the small deck over the water and got them into position. George was along another part of the shore shooting from a distance in order to capture the environment around them.
We headed back across the street. We were ahead of schedule and had some time to kill. I’m not one to stand around and do nothing when I have a bride and groom standing there with me. "Wanna take a few more shots out back?" I asked. "Sure!" was their response.
The reception started as most do. The party was announced. Toasts were shared. We borrowed the rings and took some nice close-up pictures. We did this outside where the light was the best. George looked up at one point and said, "The sky is lighting up!" I ran inside and told Julie and Mike that it was a beautiful sunset and asked if they were interested in a sunset shot. They happily obliged, so we ran back outside and across the street to the pond, where the pinks and oranges were beautifully reflected. Got it!
The dancing started. Again, a few popular wedding songs were played. People danced. Then, some of the guys in attendance started showing off their dance moves which included the famed "scorpion" and the place just went crazy! From mine and George’s perspective – the crazier the party – the better. We just snapped away on our cameras catching everything from a mid-air chest-bump to the groom doing a jump split. No, I’m not kidding. It was awesome! DJ Mike really played to the crowd and kept the party going until it was time to leave. He even gave periodic updates on the Celtics/Bulls game, which everyone appreciated!
Julie and Mike – what can I say. We simply had a blast! Thanks for being so much fun to work with and for inviting so many great people to your wedding! Let’s do it again! 😉
To see more of their wedding photos, click here.
Ceremony and Reception: The Jones River Trading, Kingston, MA
DJ: Michael Tucker

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