So you would think that a kid (me) that grew up in Somervillewould know about one of the most beautiful churches in the world (literally!) right in his own back yard. Well, I didn’t unfortunately. When I walked into St. Catherine’s for the pre-wedding consultation with Jen & Kirk my mouth dropped. Not only was I overwhelmed by the beauty of the building, I was ecstatic that I would have the opportunity to shoot a wedding here! "WOW! I can’t wait to tell George about this place!" was one of the first things that ran through my head…
Fast forward to Sunday, June 19th. George and I arrived at Jen’s parents’ house in Somerville where all the ladies were getting ready. There were some familiar faces in the crowd! We actually shot Jen’s brother’s wedding in the fall of 2007. David, and his wife Stephanie, were both participating in Jen and Kirk’s wedding. I love familiar faces!!
The forecast had called for cold and gross. It turned out to be anything but. Sunny and beautiful was more like it. After we took some getting ready shots, George headed off to church to meet Kirk and the guys and I took the ladies out back for some pictures. The limo arrived before we knew it and we were off to the church!
The church was full of anxious and excited guests. The processional began. A ring-bearer willingly walked down the aisle, but was clearly petrified of the 150 or so pairs of eyes looking at him. He made it. Jen wasn’t far behind. Everything went very well during the ceremony. Father Brian had a great sense of humor and had Jen and Kirk laughing pretty hard a few times.
Following the ceremony, we took some formals of the couple in front of the church and then a couple of extended family pictures on the front steps. We then snuck back into St. Catherine’s for a few more shots of just Jen & Kirk. How could we resist!?
The reception was held at Spinelli’s Function Facility in Lynnfield. We continued with the formals upon arrival. The nice feature of this Spinelli’s location is the elegant grand staircase. It’s perfect for pictures no matter what the weather!
The bridal party entrance included a BIG surprise for Jen & Kirk. It turns out that there were some video-game enthusiasts (groom included) in attendance, so Kirk’s friends made an archway out of life-sized Legend of Zelda swords & such. It was great to see the surprise on Jen & Kirk’s faces when the doors opened!
The reception, hosted by DJ Ron Ferris, Sr., was wonderful! Ron played a lot of 80’s favorites for this largely Generation X crowd, which just happened to include Michael Jackson’s "Thriller" and some guest-choreographed dancing.
Another highlight of the evening was taking the twilight picture in front of Spinelli’s beautiful building. That would be the picture at the top of this page.
What an incredible day! Thank you Jen and Kirk for giving us the privilege of working with your families again. We had a lot of fun and look forward to seeing you at Liz’s wedding…did I say that??!!
To see more of their photos, click here.
Church – St. Catherine’s, Somerville, MA
Reception: Spinelli’s Function Facility, Lynnfield, MA
DJ: Ron Ferris, Sr

George’s shot (he had a TON of great shots at this wedding!):

Check out the light! Another one of George’s:

George’s Speciality – I figure out something to do with the rings – he makes it look like I know what I’m doing…

Another great shot of George’s:

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