My wife and I have known Kerri for several years now. She and I first met when we worked for Putnam Investments in the call center. Since then, we’ve been neighbors and coworkers at another financial services firm. And now, I’m shooting Kerri and Matt’s wedding…we just can’t seem to get away from each other!! Know what? I’m totally fine with that.
Kerri has a heart of gold and has found a wonderful companion in Matt. I love watching them together. It’s like watching two junior high kids tease each other.
If anyone knows Kerri, you know that she LOVES lighthouses. What better place than Scituate Light to take Kerri and Matt’s engagement photos! Scituate Light is a spot I frequent for portraits and landscapes. It’s just an awesome spot. I’m guessing by the fact that two wedding parties showed up during the engagement shoot that I’m not the only one who knows what a great spot Scituate Light is for photos.
We also took a stroll along Peggotty Beach and had some fun chasing waves.
Matt – my best advice to you is to let Kerri do the cooking. I’m not trying to be sexist. I just know what an amazing cook she is. Kerri – my advice to you is to not let Matt dance in public too often. One exception would be this fall at your wedding.
Looking forward to the celebration!

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