Alright, so this isn’t exactly what was happeningbut apparently that’s what someone thought.
We have a new(ish) member on our team. Her name is Alana. I’ll have an "About Alana" page up soon, so be sure to check it out. She’s a graduate of the New England Institue of Art in Brookline, MA. She is a talented photographer and has a gift with graphic design. Seriously. We’re excited to have her as a part of our team!
We decided that it would only make sense to take some cool pictures of Alana to add to the website when it was time. A fun location that was brand new to us, since it was just rebuilt, was a small bridge in West Bridgewater. We asked Alana to jump up onto the railing of the bridge (large, wide concrete railing – just to be clear) and we snapped some photos from below. Cool angle.
About five minutes into the shoot, a police officer pulled up. Uh oh. We didn’t think we were doing anything wrong… He said, "What’s going on?" We told him that we were taking pictures of Alana. He said, "Well you guys have caused quite the little commotion. Someone called us, said they saw a girl sitting on the side of the bridge acting crazy and thought she was gonna jump. They said they pulled over and tried to talk to her but she didn’t respond." All of us were completely dumbfounded. We didn’t see anyone pull over nor hear anyone say anything to any of us. After the officer realized no one was in harm’s way, he said, "Well, let me call of the cavalry."
I asked if we could get a picture of him and Alana together to prove that our story was true. He obliged. That will be posted later. We decided to leave soon after as we didn’t want to attracted any more unwanted attention.
As we were pulling away, I said to George and Alana, "Do you want to find some train tracks or check out an abandoned property?" Both of them immediately responded, "Abandoned property!"
We arrived at the property. We were immediately drawn to an out-building. There wasn’t much happening there, so we moved on. What we found next was great – an old truck! Here’s a picture of Alana in the truck. I don’t think she would get pulled over for speeding in this thing…

We then moved on to the factory. All I can say is WOW! As soon as we walked in (through the open door), we were overwhelmed with the amount of textures and incredible light. What a fantastic place to photograph!! The pictures below are from there. For those that may be curious, this is an undisclosed location and will remain that way.

A rare photo of me (thanks Alana!):

Another rare shot – George this time (thanks again Alana!):

My favorite shot of the day:

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