Monday November 23, 2009
Presidents, Military and a Reality TV star

A number came up on my cell phone I didn’t recognize.Very common for the business I’m in. The voice was familiar though.
"So Jeff, I am wondering what you’re doing on Sunday, October 25th. Our organization is going to be part of Military Appreciation Day at the Houston Texans game in Houston Texas. There’s going to be some great military tributes, including paratroopers landing on the field before the game. In addition, some of our organization’s major donors will be there and we are having a photo line with two former U.S. Presidents. We’re hoping you would be our photographer."
The call was from the Program Director for Freedom Alliance. What is Freedom Alliance? In simplest terms, they’re a smaller and more agile version of the U.S.O. Founded by Colonel Oliver North in 1990, its primary purpose is "to advance the American heritage of freedom by honoring and encouraging military service, defending the sovereignty of the United States and promoting a strong national defense."
I’m not sure how long I sat in stunned silence with the phone to my ear, but it felt like an eternity. My hamster wheels started spinning instantly. What was I doing that weekend? Could I go? What would I need to take with me? TWO former presidents???!!!
"Well, let me take a look at my calendar." I calmly responded.
I had a wedding on Saturday the 24th, but it was a day wedding. Maybe I could get a flight out that night. I started scouring the web for flights. The latest flight out of a New England state that would arrive in Houston by 9 a.m. the next morning was 5:23 p.m. The wedding went until 5:30 p.m.
"Let me discuss the situation with my client. May I call you back in a day or two?"
Well, long story short, is that Erika and Dan agreed to an adjusted package which included Alana joining George and I for the day. I would leave following the ceremony and George and Alana would cover the remainder of the cocktail reception.
I called Calvin (Freedom Alliance’s Program Director) back and let him know I was in. We got the ball rolling on plane tickets and other arrangements right away. I also called E.P. Levine to book some additional equipment for the weekend. The plan was in place.
Erika and Dan’s wedding went really well. The ceremony ended and it was just about time for me to pack up. Things started a bit late, so George would handle the formals. I packed my camera bag and headed out the door. As I was walking out the door, I really wished there was a later flight that would still get me to Houston on time. It’s not that I didn’t have faith in George and Alana to do a great job (which they did!); I just really love my job and enjoy being a part of each wedding celebration.
I got to the airport and got on my flight in plenty of time. The first leg would get me as far as Chicago. I’d then catch a second flight to Houston. Upon my arrival in Houston, I went to the baggage claim to pick up my one checked bag. I used my two carry-ons for all my camera equipment and computer. My clothes and tripod were the only things I checked. Good thing. It turns out that United Airlines, in spite of the fact that they charged an extra $20.00 to transport my bag, didn’t deliver my bag when my flight arrived.
"Where is it and when will it get here?" I asked.
"It’s in Chicago and the next flight doesn’t arrive until tomorrow morning at 11:15 a.m. We’ll have the bag to your hotel by tomorrow afternoon."
"How does that help me when I have to be dressed and ready to go by 9 a.m. tomorrow morning? Are you able to provide me a stipend to purchase clothes?"
"No sir. Our company policy is that we have 24 hours to deliver your bag."
"Thanks." I said as I stormed out of the office. It was about 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night. I knew the malls would be closed and would not be open by 9 a.m. on a Sunday morning. If I had had room in my carry-ons to pack clothes, I would have.
Calvin picked me up out front. I told him my situation. The only solution we could come up with was to try and find a 24 hour Wal-Mart and hope and pray that I could find something decent to wear. We got to the hotel and grabbed a quick bite to eat. Our bar tender was a retired Dunkin Donuts franchisee originally from Braintree, MA. What a small world!
We thought it best to drop off my bags in my room before we headed out. I went to the front desk and checked in. They gave me my room key and I headed up while Calvin went to get the car. I opened the door to my room to find the bed completely unmade and stuff strewn about the room. I called down to the front desk to inquire about my situation. After explaining what I found, they indicated that I should come back to the front desk to get a new room. Since I had my camera, I snapped a photo. Back at the front desk, I showed them the picture, which was received with much shock. I was then given an "upgraded" room and many apologies.
I eventually met Calvin out front and filled him in on the latest drama. I then found myself driving riding around Houston Texas at 1:30 a.m. looking for a 24 hour Wal-Mart so I could buy some clothes in which I would most likely meet two former U.S. Presidents. There’s a sentence I never thought I would write. The good news is that we did find the Wal-Mart and even some clothes that looked better than the jeans and t-shirt I was wearing. Socks – check. T-shirts – check. Boxers – check. Belt – check. Shirt – check. Pants – check. I would like to take a moment to thank United Airlines for my new wardrobe. Oh wait, they didn’t pay for it. They charged me $20 to delay my luggage.
We headed back to the hotel for a few hours of sleep. I had some ironing to do first.
The next morning, we had breakfast and then headed directly to Reliant Stadium. I’m more of a Red Sox fan than a Patriots fan, so up to this point, I had only been to one NFL game. It was the season the Patriots first won the Super Bowl. I remember the level to which the fans tail-gated, but don’t recall it being quite as intense as what I witnessed at Reliant Stadium. We walk past a truck that looked like a S.W.A.T. vehicle. On the side was painted, "Emergency Tailgating Vehicle." Not kidding.
After much frisking and bag inspections, we headed into the stadium. Military personnel were everywhere. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force. They were all there. A suite had been donated by the Houston Texans to host the group from Freedom Alliance, so we found our way there to settle in and determine the game plan for the rest of the day.
The pre-game ceremonies included three paratroopers dropping out of Blackhawk helicopters and landing on the field of the stadium. That was followed by a huge American flag in the shape of the lower 48 states spread across most of the field and held in place by members of each military branch. While the flag was draped across the field, Neal E. Boyd, recent winner of America’s Got Talent sang "God Bless the USA."
The pinnacle of the pre-game ceremonies was when the two former presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, walked out onto the field for the pre-game coin toss. The Texans’ fans were incredibly welcoming.
For the first half of the game, I primarily took candids. It was at half time that the whole group headed down to the players cafeteria for the photo line with the former Presidents. We watched the half-time military ceremonies on the televisions in the cafeteria. It wasn’t long before we were notified that President George H. W. Bush was on his way. George W. Bush would not be coming after all.
We cleared an area of the room and got all the participants lined up. We knew it would be a short visit. Moments later, a member of the Secret Service entered, followed by several more and then former President George H. W. Bush. He greeted everyone and then walked over to the designated photo spot. I snapped away as each group came up and posed with the former President. At the end, Calvin grabbed one of my cameras and snapped a photo of me next to the former President.
Former President Bush shook a few hands on the way out. It was over within minutes. We headed back up stairs for the second half of the game. Neal E. Boyd stopped by the suite to say hi. He’s actually a family friend. He and my mom share the same hometown – Sikeston, Missouri. We actually had Thanksgiving dinner together about four or five years ago at my parents’ house. I think that was the best the "Doxology" has ever sounded around our dinner table.
I took some more candids during the second half of the game and also took some formals with Colonel Oliver North with guests of Freedom Alliance.
The rest of the trip was, fortunately, a non-event. After getting some rest at the hotel, we had a nice dinner together and then I edited into the early morning hours. Monday morning, we packed up and headed to the airport. Although there were some delays due to weather, I still made it home at the scheduled time. Even my checked bag made it.
I would like to thank Freedom Alliance for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a unique event. Thank you to the Houston Texans as well for honoring our military families. I hope other sports teams recognize the contribution our military men and women make and do more to show their appreciation in the future.
Pre-game ceremonies

Neal E. Boyd singing "God Bless the USA"

Neal greeting the former Presidents

Even the cheerleaders paid tribute!

One of the paratroopers

I can’t decide which job I would like least – parachuting into the stadium or being the person on the field responsible for making sure the American Flag didn’t touch the ground.

Another paratrooper

The amount of press on the field for the coin toss was intense

Me and former President George H. W. Bush

Former President George H. W. Bush with a group of naval officers

Colonel Oliver North with Neal E. Boyd

Colonel North taking in the game with some marines
