Wednesday August 26, 2009
O’Connor Family Portraits

Growing up, I always spent more time in the mountainsthan I ever did at the beach. Maybe my fair-skinned parents thought it was better for us all. Maybe they just didn’t like it. I don’t know. What I find ironic is that I now find myself at the beach all the time. Obviously, the beaches in this area and beyond are popular spots for portrait sessions and the like. The whole sand thing is starting to grow on me.
One of my more recent visits to a beach took me to Dennis, MA for a family portrait session with the O’Connor family. They were spending a week at a wonderful summer cottage just a few steps from the local beach. Kerry (a.k.a. "mom") had decided that a family portrait was long overdue and felt this would be the perfect opportunity.
Upon my arrival, Kerry’s hospitality was wonderful! "Can I get you a drink?" "Would you like a snack?" "Would you like a lollipop?" She cracked me up! She’s so full of life and was obviously excited about the session. Her husband Mike greeted me as well. Their two daughters, Megan and Breda, were a part of the session as well. I had met Kerry and Megan the week prior when they met with me to talk about photographing Megan’s wedding next April.
Once everyone was ready, we strolled down to the beach. Kerry led the way when we got there. She knew where she wanted the photos and was anxious to show me. The spot she had in mind was right in front of some nice sand dunes and was perfect. We started there and then wandered around a bit as we went. It was interesting to watch the interaction between the girls and their parents. It cracks me up that no matter what age we are, our parents still know how to embarrass us, particularly dads. I could also tell that this was a really tight family unit and that they all had a lot of love for each other.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to hang out on the beach again. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again next April!

My favorite of the four of them:

Sisters and best friends!

One happy dad!

One incredibly proud mom!

This one makes me laugh every time I look at it! Thanks for keeping it fun Mike!
