Touched By Kelley – Week 2

This week was a rough week for Kelley.  She spent five out of the seven days this week in the hospital with a blood infection.  They now believe they have her on the right antibiotics and hope the infection clears soon.  The day I was at the hospital, the infectious disease doctor referred to Kelley’s situation as an anomaly.  That’s usually not a good thing when a person is sick.

Remember – you can help Kelley by donating blood or platelets at Children’s Hospital.  Call 617-355-6677 for details. And keep her in your prayers!

Here’s  a recap of our photos from this past week:

Day 8 (Photographer – George)

Day two of waiting for Kelley’s medication to arrive and still no luck… The plan was to go to Kelley’s school with her mom Debbie so that Kelley could get the shot that she needs. However, the medication still had not arrived. So we went to the school to say hi to Kelley without the medication.

When we got to the school Kelley was in the nurse’s office working on some schoolwork. She was excited because the school’s cafeteria had served her fish sticks today! She told me that her favorite part of the day was going to the nurse’s office to get her temperature taken. Sometimes she even gets to have it taken more than once. Today was one of those days. She showed me how it’s done and passed with flying colors!

When we left Kelley, she was excited about reading Flat Stanley later in the day. Because she wasn’t able to get her shot today at school, she will have to take a trip to Dana-Farber after school to get the medication that she needs.




Day 9 (Photographer – Jeff)

Today was just an okay day for Kelley. Her medicine finally arrived this morning – two days later than originally scheduled. She made it through lunch at school, but a headache and fever finally sent her home. Debbie said that as soon as she got home, she went to the couch, asked for her blanket and wanted the lights off. She was there the rest of the day. That’s where Lily and I found her when we stopped by. In spite of the fact that she wasn’t feeling well, she was still able to smile for the camera.

Her counts are all off again. She’s going to have to go to Dana Farber tomorrow for both a blood and platelet transfusion. That will take most of the day.



Day 10 (Photographer – Alana)

When I arrived at the Dana Farber today I was greeted by a sleepy Kelley. It sounded like it was a rough morning for her. She woke up with an eye infection and a fever. Before the doctors could begin the platelet transfusion they needed to bring Kelley’s fever down. They were giving her two different types of antibiotics in hopes of doing just that.

Kelley spent the morning sleeping until she was awoken by the beeping of the medical equipment next to her bed. The nurses came in to check her vitals and I arrived shortly after. Kelley was curled up watching TV and trying so hard to stay awake. As she was veggin’ out, Debbie and I spoke about what their day was going to be like. They began at the Dana Farber waiting to be admitted and receiving her antibiotics. Once Kelley’s fever goes down they will be moved to Children’s Hospital to monitor her infection and administer her platelet transfusion. When they checked her blood count, it had just about evened out, so today she’ll only have to go through a platelet transfusion. Debbie said they’ll hopefully be home Monday.


Day 11 (Photographer – George)

It was a long night for Kelley and her family at Children’s Hospital. Even so, she was in good spirits when I arrived at her room this morning. She had eaten breakfast and was watching a DVD in her bed. She was looking forward to going to a pajama party with her dad, where she would be watching the Polar Express. She had the best pajamas too!



Day 12 (Photographer – Debbie!)

Today wasn’t the best day, but it wasn’t the worst day either. Kelley is still at Children’s and still has a fever. They’re still working to narrow down exactly what her infection is so they can use a more specific treatment. She had a chest x-ray this afternoon in hopes of doing just that. She will spend the night at the hospital again tonight and it doesn’t look like she’ll be coming home right away either. Please keep her in your prayers.

Since we weren’t able to be with Kelley today, Debbie snapped this shot of Kelley on her phone. Her light up moose was a gift from a former patient. It lights up a room…just like Kelley!


Day 13 (Photographer – Jeff)

I walked into a fairly dark hospital room on the 6th floor of Children’s Hospital this afternoon. The light coming in from the window was enough for Kelley and Debbie to see the game they were playing. In Kelley’s words, she was feeling “lousy” today and didn’t want to have extra lights on. We sat and chatted for a few minutes before the infectious disease doctor came in.

The doctor talked with Kelley and Debbie for a few minutes and then turned on the light so he could take a closer look at Kelley. His concern was that the infection Kelley has was a medical anomaly and wanted to ensure it was being treated correctly. He also asked questions in hopes of trying to determine the source.

When the doctor asked Kelley to close her eyes for him, she said, “I don’t thinks so.” It tends to be Kelley’s way or the highway.

I made note of the “bed” Debbie had been (and will be) sleeping on. Basically, it was an over-sized cushion that doubled as a window seat. She said it was better than the fold out chairs. Even she is positive no matter what. I wonder where Kelley gets it.

The nurse came in to check Kelley’s temp. She was still running a fever and it had actually gone up since last check. Her next visit came with liquid Tylenol. Debbie finally convinced Kelley to take the medicine.

Lunch came soon after and we both encouraged Kelley to eat some of her food. She would look at me and say, “Nice try Jeff!” Once she was tired of my requests for her to eat, she politely said, “Time to go home Jeff.”



Day 14 (Photographer – Alana)

As I turned the corner into Kelley’s room at Children’s Hospital this morning, my excitement was doubled when I saw how much better her eye looked! The infection is still there, but it’s on it’s way out.

Right before I arrived, Kelley had ordered her lunch and while she was waiting she popped in the movie “Annie” to pass the time. Moments later, four doctors came into her room, two of which are Kelley’s new doctors. They introduced themselves, asked questions, and checked her vitals. After they left it gave me the perfect opportunity to give Kelley a “Get Whale Soon” card from Jeff, George & myself. Obviously it was a very punny card!

Once the doctors left, I sat down with Debbie and we spoke about what’s in store for the immediate future. In order for Kelley to be discharged she needs to go 24 hours without a fever and her white blood cell count needs to be over 500. Kelley still has a fever, but she is taking tylenol to keep it down. As of yesterday, her white blood cell count was at 0.

I said bye to Kelley today with double crossed fingers in hopes to see her at home on Friday!








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