I can’t tell you how many emails, Facebook messages, and direct requests I’ve had to keep the Lily Challenge going after the end of March. As much as I’d love to and as much as I appreciate the many kind words you have all sent my way, the Lily Challenge will end in two days. Wedding season is upon us and my priorities have to adjust in that direction.
I mean, imagine that I was at a wedding and the bride was about to walk down the aisle and it dawned on me that I hadn’t taken a picture of Lily yet that day. I start thinking, "Uh, oh. She’ll be asleep when I get home…will I get home before midnight?…how long did it take to get here today?…what town are we in?…okay, it takes 45 minutes to get home from here…if the reception ends at 11 p.m., I can make it…but then I may not have the picture posted by midnight…and then the entire world would know I failed…I’d end up losing my house that’s full of water…hey, that may not be so bad…what am I doing in this church?…whose that lady in the white dress kissing that guy?…OH CRAP!!"
See – this is exactly why the Lily Challenge must end. It’s good for everyone. Trust me.
The good news is that it ain’t quite over…here’s all of week four and then there’s still three days to come.
As usual, Lily woke me up with a few slaps on the face and a couple of squeals. Much more effective than my alarm clock ever was. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her hair. I knew what picture I would take today. I got up, took Lily downstairs, plopped her on the dining room floor, grabbed my camera and click. Done.
Day 23 – Dances with Produce
I hope that most of the Kevin Costner fans out there (including my lovely wife Dorothy) got the reference to one of his most famous movies. I had actually intended to take a picture of Lily earlier in the day when I went to visit some of my former coworkers, but I forgot my camera. I had to "settle" for a trip to the grocery store that evening. What I didn’t know before the trip was that produce and cheesy satellite grocery store music makes Lily want to dance. The best part is that she was dancing to several songs in a row. I stayed at the deli counter while Dorothy and Lily continued around the store and when I caught up with them, I spied Dorothy checking out the cereal while Lily danced like no one was watching. So awesome!
Day 24 – Got Milk?
Cliché, I know. But it works. A stop at our favorite local ice cream place, Peaceful Meadows, was the location for this photo. I snapped another shot of the cow almost licking Lily, but I chose this one because it is SO her. She points at everything.
Day 25 – Sock Silliness
One of Lily’s "tricks" is to pull both of her socks off her feet and do everything she can with them other than wear them. Those two purple blurs, those are socks. Photo taken at home.
Day 26 – Tapping instead of Napping
Ah, yes. The child that doesn’t EVER want to take a nap. Considering how little I’m known to sleep, I guess I deserve a child that doesn’t like the idea of sleeping either. Today was one of the hardest days I had with Lily yet. She was grumpy all day, fought me for over an hour about napping (rubbing her tired eyes between glass-shattering screams). I fed her. I gave her a bottle. I read her books. At least three, if not four. I gave her a pacifier. I changed her diaper. I burped her. She had her favorite blanket. I left the room. I came back. I laid her next to me in our bed. She sat up, screamed and frantically waved her arms. I gave up. I took her downstairs so she could play the piano. She may not have napped, but at least she wasn’t screaming anymore…
Day 27 – What’s that?
So after last’s week flood knocked out both our heat and hot water, we woke up this morning to no heat again, but the basement wasn’t flooded. I got the wood stove going. Then, later in the day, Dorothy went to jump in the shower and the hot water was not hot. I went down, relit the pilot on the hot water tank and tried to light the furnace again. My prayers were answered when all those pretty little blue flames lit up their metal cylinders. YEAH! I took this shot while the three of us were hanging out waiting for the hot water to get hot. I really have no idea what she’s pointing at.
Day 28 – Adorable Thoughts
It was a pretty mellow afternoon. Dorothy, Lily and I were hanging out in the living room. I snapped this while she was playing with one of her toys. Following so many silly pictures this week, I really like how this one has a completely different mood to it.
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