
I have been taking pictures since I was big enough to hold a camera in my small hands. I went to school for computers and regularly build my own. I bought my first digital SLR camera in 2004 and convinced Jeff to follow suit soon after.
Important Facts:
- I am a geek
- I am gluten free
- I love being outside
- I am a huge fan of the Simpsons
- I am full of random facts
- I geocache
- I could talk for hours about technology
What you may hear from others:
- He is the family help desk
- He is the best uncle
- He does the best imitation of Milton from "Office Space"
- He would eat sushi every day if he could
- He loves conflagrations
Dreams and such:
- Travel to Nepal and Tibet with my camera
- Orbit the Earth
- Learn a new language
- Drive a supercar
- Live on a pineapple plantation